lundi 6 mars 2017

Renault ACG1 belge

Hey everyone,

I started the weathering of my ACG1 by using oils to bring out some different kinds of shades to the belgian khaki as we can notice on the T13 that is preserved at the MRA of Brussels. At the same time I took advantage of using oils to represent a first light layer of dust on the turret and on the hull and rainmarks on the vertical sides of the hull.

This is the first step the weathering but I'll use some more oils in the next step to highlight some details of the tank by creating more depth.

As usual: comment and constructive criticisms are Always welcome!


4 commentaires:

  1. mon commentaire et mes critiques seront unanime: c'est bo mon Thierry;)

  2. Pas mieux que le goret aux gants bleus du dessus, c'est très beau mon Thierry...ça mérite amplement une Jupi. ;)

    1. Arf... j'adore le surnom... le goret aux gants bleux MDR! Ben si ça mérite une Jupi... alors je continue pour pouvoir bénéficier d'un bac entier ;-)
